About Lloyd

Lloyd helps professionals advance towards meaningful, gainful careers. We work with members to clarify career goals and to identify paths to those goals, and we ensure they succeed.

Meet our leadership

  • Dan Gusz

    CEO / Co-founder

    Dan is a co-founder of Lloyd. Prior to Lloyd, Dan was Head of Product at an early-stage digital health startup. Originally from the Midwest, Dan now lives in NYC with his wife and son.

  • Nikki Gusz

    COO / Co-founder

    Nikki is a co-founder of Lloyd. Prior to Lloyd, Nikki was a workforce consultant in Deloitte Consulting’s Human Capital practice. She received her MBA from Fuqua (Duke) and currently lives in Denver with her husband.

  • Adrian Fraiha

    Head of Engineering & Product

    Prior to Lloyd Adrian worked as a bioinformatics engineer at Memorial Sloan-Kettering and lead engineering at The New York Times.

Meet our advisors

  • Dr. Azizi Seixas

    Assistant Professor at New York University (Center for Healthful Behavior Change)

  • Emily Hochman

    CEO & Founder at Wellory

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